Cottier Tenant (Ireland) Act, 1856

Description of Tenement within Act.

1. Dwelling House with or without small Allotments

2. Tenure.

3. Rent.

Provided let by Form of Agreement.

I. The Description of Tenements which shall be deemed to be within this Act shall be;

1. Any Dwelling House held with not more than Half an Acre (if any) of Land as a Garden or cultivated Allotment:

2. Of which the Tenure shall have been by the Year, Half Year, Quarter, Month, or Week:

3. And of which the Rent shall not have exceeded the Rate of Twelve Shillings by the Month:

Provided that such Tenement shall have been let by a written or printed Agreement as nearly as possible of the Form in the Schedule to this Act, and that it shall have been expressly stated therein whether the said Tenement and Requisites should be maintained in good tenantable Condition by the Landlord or by the Tenant, or what Portion of the said Tenement and Requisites should be maintained in good tenantable Condition by the Landlord or by the Tenant respectively.