Agricultural Produce (Cereals) Act, 1933

Maize meal mixture.

7.—(1) In this Act the expression “maize meal mixture” means a feeding preparation which complies with the following specifications, that is to say:—

(a) is made solely from maize meal, and any home-grown cereal or cereals;

(b) any maize, wheat, barley, or rye included therein consists of the entire product of grinding such maize, wheat, barley, or rye; and

(c) any home-grown cereal included therein was before being ground commercially clean and in sound and sweet condition.

(2) Each of the following shall be a cereal for the purposes of this section, that is to say:—

(a) wheat;

(b) barley;

(c) oats;

(d) rye.

(3) The Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act, 1906, shall not apply in respect of maize meal mixture.