Road Transport Act, 1934
Fees on application for issue of vehicle plates. |
12.—Regulations made under sub-section (6) of section 30 of the Principal Act may prescribe different fees in respect of— | |
(a) applications for vehicle plates under the said section 30 in cases where the following conditions are complied with, that is to say:— | ||
(i) a vehicle in respect of which a vehicle plate has been issued ceases to be duly licensed, and | ||
(ii) such vehicle plate is on such cesser delivered to a member of the Gárda Síochána at the plate issuing station at which such vehicle plate was issued, and | ||
(iii) an application is duly made under section 30 of the Principal Act within nine months after such delivery for the issue of a vehicle plate in respect of such vehicle; and | ||
(b) applications for vehicle plates under the said section 30 in cases where the said conditions are not complied with. |