Landlord and Tenant (Amendment) Act, 1971

Rights of lessees under certain expired leases.


(a) a lease expired within eight years before the passing of this Act, and

(b) the lessee is, at such passing, in possession of the land comprised in the expired lease under a yearly tenancy arising by implication from the acts of the parties, or under a statutory tenancy under the Rent Restrictions Acts, 1960 and 1967, or as a tenant at will or otherwise, without having obtained a new tenancy from the lessor or without having acquired the lessor's interest in the land, and

(c) no person was, immediately before such passing, entitled to be granted a reversionary lease under the Act of 1958,

the lessee shall, during the twelve months immediately after the passing of this Act, have the same rights in relation to obtaining a reversionary lease as he would have had within fifteen years before the expiration of the expired lease if this Act had then been in force.