List of Abbreviations Liosta Giorrúchán
List of Abbreviations Liosta Giorrúchán
Abbreviation | Full word | Focal Iomlán |
adapt. | adapted. | oiriúnaithe. |
addit. | additional | breise |
Agric. | Agriculture. | Talmhaíocht. |
alt. | altered, alteration. | athraithe, athrú. |
am. | amend, amended, amendment. | leasaigh, leasaithe, leasú. |
appl. | applied. | feidhmeach/curtha i bhfeidhm. |
applic. | applicable, application. | infheidhmithe, feidhm. |
appt. | appoint. | ceap. |
Art, art(s). | Article, article(s). | Airteagal, airteaga(i)l. |
B.O.H. | Board of Health. | Bord Sláinte. |
Bd. | Board. | Bord. |
Boro. | Borough. | Buirg. |
c., ch(s). | chapter(s). | caibidil, caibidlí. |
cert. | certain, certificate. | cinnte, teastas. |
cesser. | cessation | stad |
Cir. Ct. | Circuit Court. | Cúirt Chuarda. |
circs. | circumstances. | cúinsí. |
cl. | clause. | clásal. |
co. | county. | contae. |
Co. Regr. | County Registrar. | Cláraitheoir Contae. |
col. | column, council. | colún, comhairle. |
Commn. | Commission. | Coimisiún. |
Commrs. | Commissioners. | Coimisinéirí. |
condn. | condition. | coinníoll. |
conds. | conditions | coinníollacha |
conseq. | consequential. | iarmhartach. |
constr. | construed, construction. | forléirithe, forléiriú. |
cont. | continue | lean |
contrib. | contribution. | ranníocaíocht. |
Corp. | Corporation. | Corparáid(company)/bardas (authority) |
Ct., ct(s). | Court, court(s). | Cúirt, cúirt(eanna). |
ctd. | continued. | ar lean. |
ctnc. | continuance | leanúint de/buanú |
Cttee. | Committee. | Coiste. |
D.A.T.I. | Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland. | Roinn Talmhaíochta agus Ceardoideachais na hÉireann |
def. | defined, definition. | sainmhínithe, sainmhíniú. |
del. | deleted. | scriosta. |
Dept. | Department. | Roinn. |
dirs. | directions | treoracha |
disctd. | discontinued. | scortha. |
dissol. | dissolution, dissolved. | díscaoileadh, díscaoilte. |
Dist. Ct. | District Court. | Cúirt Dúiche. |
div. | division. | rannán. |
doc(s). | document(s) | doiciméad, doiciméid. |
E. | England. | Sasana. |
E.C.O. | Executive Council Order. | Ordú Ard-Chomhairle. |
E.I.D. (No.-) O. | Emergency Imposition of Duties (No.-) Order, made under Emergency Imposition of Duties Act, 1932 (No. 16). | An tOrdú chun Dleachta d’Fhorchur go Práinneach (Uimh.-), arna dhéanamh faoin Acht chun Dleachta d’Fhorchur go Práinneach, 1932 (Uimh. 16). |
E.S.B. | Electricity Supply Board. | Bord Soláthair an Leictreachais. |
educ. | education. | oideachas. |
est. | established | bunaithe |
exc. | except. | ach amháin. |
excl. | excluded, exclusion. | eisiata, eisiamh. |
Exec. Col. | Executive Council of Saorstát Éireann. | Ard-Chomhairle Shaorstát Éireann. |
exempt. | exemption. | díolúine. |
ext. | extended, extension. | sínte, síneadh. |
Fin. | Finance. | Airgeadas. |
functn(s). | function(s) | feidhm(eanna) |
G. S. | Garda Síochána. | Garda Síochána |
genly. | generally. | go ginearálta. |
H. Ct. | High Court. | Ard-Chúirt. |
Hosp. | Hospital. | Ospidéal. |
I. | Ireland. | Éire. |
I.D. (No.-) O. | Imposition of Duties (No.-) Order, made under Imposition of Duties Act, 1957 (No. 7) | An tOrdú chun Dleachta d’Fhorchur (Uimh.-), arna dhéanamh faoin Acht chun Dleachta d’Fhorchur, 1957 (uimh. 7) |
inc. | increase | méadú |
incd. | increased. | méadaithe. |
incorp. | incorporated, incorporation. | corpraithe, corprú. |
ins. | inserted | ionsáite |
instrs. | instruments. | ionstraimí. |
juris. | jurisdiction. | dlínse. |
loc. auth. | local authority. | údarás áitiúil. |
Min. | Minister. | Aire. |
misc. | miscellaneous. | ilghnéitheach. |
mnf. | manufacture. | déantúsaigh. |
mod. | modified, modification, modify. | mionathraithe, mionathrú, mionathraigh. |
mods. | modifications | mionathruithe |
N.I. | Northern Ireland. | Tuaisceart Éireann. |
ness. | necessary | riachtanach |
no., nos. | number, numbers. | uimhir, uimhreacha. |
o., oo. | order, orders. | ordú, orduithe. |
op. | operation | oibriú |
O. in C. | Order in colonies. | Orduithe i gcóilíneachtaí. |
P. & T. | Posts and Telegraphs. | Poist agus Teileagraif. |
P. (as in 1P/1926) | Private Act, of number and year indicated. | Acht Príobháideach, d’uimhir agus de bhliain léirithe. |
par(s). para(s). | paragraph(s) | mír(eanna) |
Parl., parl. | Parliament, parliamentary. | Parlaimint, parlaiminteach. |
perm. | permanent. | buan. |
prohib. | prohibited. | coiscthe. |
prosp. | prospectively. | go hionchasach. |
prov. | proviso, provisionally. | coinníoll, go coinníollach. |
provn(s). | provision(s). | foráil, forálacha. |
Pt., pt., pts. | Part, part, parts. | Cuid, cuid, codanna. |
purp.,purps. | purpose, purposes. | críoch, críocha. |
r./rep. | repealed. | aisghairthe. |
R. of Ct. | Rule of Court. | Riail Cúirte. |
R.I.C. | Royal Irish Constabulary. | Constáblacht Ríoga na hÉireann. |
ref., refs. | reference, references. | tagairt, tagairtí. |
reg., regs. | regulation, regulations. | rialachán, rialacháin. |
req. | requirement | ceanglas |
retro. | retrospective, retrospectively. | cúlghabhálach, go cúlghabhálach. |
Rev. Commrs. | Revenue Commissioners. | Coimisinéirí Ioncaim. |
Rl.,rl(s). | Rule, rule(s). | Riail, rialacha. |
rly. | railway. | iarnród. |
rstrct. | restricted. | srianta. |
S. | Scotland. | Albain. |
s., ss. | section, sections. | alt, ailt. |
Secy.of S. | Secretary of State. | Rúnaí Stáit. |
S.I. | Statutory Instrument. | Ionstraim Reachtúil. |
S.O. | Standing Order. | Buanordú. |
S.R. & O. | Statutory Rules and Orders series. | Sraith Rialacha agus Orduithe Reachtúla. |
sch., schs. | schedule, schedules. | sceideal, sceidil. |
Spec. | Specified, Specification | Sonraithe, Sonrú |
Spec. Crim. Ct. | Special Criminal Court. | Cúirt Choiriúil Speisialta |
subpar(s). subpara(s). |
subparagraph(s) | fomhír(eanna) |
subsec(s.) | subsection(s) | fo-a(i)lt |
substit. | substitute, substituted. | ionadaigh, ionadaithe. |
supers. | superseded. | gafa in ionad. |
susp. | suspend, suspended. | fionraigh, fionraithe. |
temp. | temporary, temporarily. | sealadach, go sealadach. |
term. | terminate, terminated. | foirceann, foirceanta. |
trans. | transfer, transferred. | traschuir, traschurtha. |
transit. | transitional. | idirthréimhseach. |
U.K. | United Kingdom. | Ríocht Aontaithe. |
vest. | vested, vesting. | dílsithe, dílseachán. |
virt. | virtually. | go fíorúil. |
voc. | vocational. | gairmeach. |