Updated to 5 April 2024 (Act No. 9 of 2024 and S.I. No. 141 of 2024)

Statutes of England Affected

Session and ChapterShort Title or Subject MatterHow AffectedAffecting Provision
1188 (34 Hen. 2) Ordinance of the Saladin Tithe [1] Alms of a tenth of revenues and movables Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1188 (34 Hen. 2) Ordinance of the Saladin Tithe [3] Clerks and knights who have taken the cross shall not pay this tithe Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1188 (34 Hen. 2) Ordinance of the Saladin Tithe [2] Money to be collected in each parish Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2
1188 (34 Hen. 2) Ordinance of the Saladin Tithe [4] Payment of the tithe Repealed 28/2007, ss. 2, 3 and Schedule 2, Part 2