Treason (Ireland) Act, 1854



An Act to assimilate the Law and Practice existing in Cases of High Treason in Ireland to the Law and Practice existing in Cases of High Treason in England. [3rd July 1854.]

[Preamble recites 7 Ann. c. 21. s. 14, which provides that “when any person should be indicted for high treason or misprision of treason, a list of the witnesses that should be produced on the trial for proving the said indictment, and of the jury, mentioning the names, professions, and place of abode of the said witnesses and jurors, should be also given at the same time that the copy of the indictment should be delivered to the party indicted, and that copies of all indictments for the offences aforesaid should be delivered to the party indicted ten days before the trial, and in presence of two or more credible witnesses, any law or statute to the contrary notwithstanding.”]